Life's Little Details: Knitting, Sewing, Green Living, Frugal Living and Cooking In A Little Corner of Southern French Countryside.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Get It Straight, Pal

Yesterday I received a life-changing (well, I hope, anyway) package in the mail. A while back, I read on Chelee's blog about some great books for getting organized and living cheaper and better. Anyone who knows me and has seen my house knows I am in dire need of doing this. I just never know where to start. The whole idea of it overwhelms me. Budgeting? Don't know how. Organizing? Yeah, right. So, I researched some of her book choices and selected those that seemed to apply to my life. As luck would have it, I wasn't able to get them through Amazon's French site. But, I'm at the point of wanting to burn down the house and just start over, so I asked my mom to send them to me. She's the best mom ever, so she did it (along with sending tons of jewelry-making goodies and some fun stuff for the rest of the family's birthdays).

So, aside from the shopping (we'll get to that in a later post) and the visiting with my hubbie's family yesterday, I dove into the organizing book. And, oh boy, am I revved up and ready to conquer the mess! This is the book, by the way, in case you're interested. It also comes in audio version for those who just don't have the time to sit with a book. It looks at the whole organization process from a completely different perspective that should really work. Yay! I've already made out a plan of attack for the always cluttered/messy livingroom. So, no time to blog much today. I'll try to get some pictures of the things I've knitting and the goodies I bought yesterday for a later post.

For now, though, we're organizing this pig sty! After all, the entire goal is to give me more time for fun stuff (read: knitting and blogging) and maybe a little exercise without feeling guilty because the house is a mess. Wish me luck - though, with this book, it doesn't even look like that's necessary.