Merry Christmas
Well, a very Merry Christmas to you all. We're having a good one so far. We awoke this morning to no gifts where our three-year-old expected to find them and had loads of fun watching her not see them right in front of her face for a good ten minutes. She was pleased with her new bike and all of its fun accessories. I think I'd like to have a bell and a little baby doll seat for my own. Our one-year-old was happy with his toddler play'n ride car. Now everyone has their very own vehicle. I, of course, did not finish the infamous hubbie sweater in time for him to open it today. And, sadly, it is looking more and more like it will be my sweater after all. Was that subconscious, you think? I'm actually rather disappointed. He doesn't look like a medium, but according the measurements I made before diving into this project, that's the size I should have knit. And, that is the size it turned out to be, but it's also apparently not the size he is. It's not toooooo far off, and I'm wondering if it's worth it to try to stretch it a bit when I block it. I'll see when I wash it how well it stretches when wet. If it pulls into the right size well, perfect, if not, I'll shape more for my size. Heavy sigh.
On a happier note, though, I was given a nice travel book for a weekend trip to London. No tickets included, but it came with the promise of a little trip in the near future. So exciting! I really liked London the one time I was there years ago. And, little does my sweet gift-giving husband know what he has gotten himself into. There are some yarn shops I'd love to take a gander at while there! Not that I need a bigger stash of goodies, but I certainly wouldn't turn any down if they tried to force themselves on me.
Well, my non-traditional Christmas dinner appears to be ready (pork with potatoes, onions, currants and carrots). I guess I'll go wake the family. All the gift-giving excitement knocked everybody out. Or, should I just let them sleep and enjoy some more quiet knitting time? Oh, bad Mommy - we've got to eat some time.
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