Life's Little Details: Knitting, Sewing, Green Living, Frugal Living and Cooking In A Little Corner of Southern French Countryside.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Feelin' Sassy!

A little piece of advice: don't ever allow a hormonal woman near a pair of scissors. Nooooo, I'm not feeling suicidal. Get ahold of yourself! I was just feeling ugly, that's all. And what does that have to do with a pair of scissors? Well, let's say I just vacuumed up several months worth of trying to let my hair grow out. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I used to have long hair, and I thought it looked nice on me. Then, one fine day in grad school, I got brave and chopped it. I loved it and hadn't tried to grow it back out till recently. So, stuck at that shoulder-length level that's great to be able to pull back in a ponytail, I was feeling blah. I took a good look at myself in the mirror and realized that pulling my hair back in a ponytail wasn't worth having dull, flat hair. So, I whacked the heck out of it tonight, and I guarantee it'll make my short-hair-loving-hubbie smile from ear to ear (he always secretly roots against me when I try to grow it out). So, basically, I'm starting to think I'm just not the young hottie that I probably never was who can wear long hair (all these little hints that are telling me I'm getting old suck).

If your wondering how I am able to take out a pair of scissors and just go at my own hair, you need to be aware that I was raised by a woman who periodically feels the need to do the same because her hair "feels funny."

As always after a good hacking, I'll need to see how it wears for a couple of days and make some adjustments, but, overall I like it. It's short, and I'm feeling sassy!