Life's Little Details: Knitting, Sewing, Green Living, Frugal Living and Cooking In A Little Corner of Southern French Countryside.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Fair Isle Finger Gymnastics

Boy, am I having some fun now! I've been working on my technique while doing a little swatch for the sweater I plan to make for my son. I sketched out a little design (nothing really complicated, and probably not even original, but I like it). It's just a squarish swirly thingamajig. How's that for a description? I'm sure you have a vivid mental picture of it after that!

Anyway, I am a continental knitter (yarn comes off left hand - for mom and other's who don't know the term). So, I started off knitting the two colors by picking up and dropping the color I was using each time I needed/didn't need it. That got old REAL fast. So, I decided to go with the two-handed method. Now, I have never tried knitting with the yarn coming off my right hand since I taught myself to knit out of a book several years ago. I attempted it once to see which method was best for me, and knew right off that wasn't it. So, imagine my surprise when I was actually able to knit with both hands (one color coming off the left, the other off the right, Mom) pretty easily. At first my tension was a bit off on the right, but I adjusted pretty fast, and it wasn't so bad. How exciting is that? I'm revving to go on that sweater now. Well, not right now. Seems to me you need a good night's sleep and maybe a good meal in your tummy to be able to concentrate enough to switch colors all over the place.