Life's Little Details: Knitting, Sewing, Green Living, Frugal Living and Cooking In A Little Corner of Southern French Countryside.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I'm just going to ignore the fact that I haven't posted in a whole week and just dive right in here.

For those of you who've been worried or at least concerned (and, thanks for your concern, by the way), Lambchop #1 seems to now be fully over her flu. It was not fun while it lasted, and it lasted a while, but she seems to be doing better. Maybe she tires a bit more easily than usual, but otherwise, she's back to her old self.

No knitting has been going on around here. In fact nothing really worth telling has happened since the kids got sick. The constant whine really dug into my knitting time and my cleaning time. So, as usual, the house appears to be falling apart. We're back working on that bit by bit now.

Since I don't really have any fun news to share, I'll slip in a few fun pictures, instead. We recently celebrated Carnaval (Mardi Gras carnival) at playgroup. Lambchop #2 really enjoyed playing the pirate. We borrowed the costume and couldn't rip it off him when it was time to go. I guess I need to get to sewing on one for him, right?

I must say that that boy is mighty dangerous with a sword, though, no matter how cute he may appear. The eye patch was a bit of a hinderance, but he refused to remove it or any other part of the costume. I guess we were just lucky there wasn't a wooden leg included in the whole get-up.

Then, there's the softer side of our pirate. Isn't he sweet? This is his typical sleep position. A little like a froggy. How appropriate, since he's half French, right?

And, the last picture I'm really excited to share. There's actual work going on around here. Mind you, I'm absolutely no part of that work stuff. Well, unless you want to count me as the official cheering squad. And, that much I am. I'm pretty easy to please, really, since we've not been able to do much of anything for so long. I was getting pretty giddy watching them slam the nails into the wood floor. This is my brother hard at work. I'm sure his wife will appreciate seeing him in action. It's not easy for them to be so far from each other, so any little glimpse of him (even if his head's not showing much) is probably great for her.

Well, motherly duties call. Hopefully, I will soon have some more exciting pictures to share.