Spurning the Knitting Gods

Last night I stayed up pretty late, indulging myself in the silence left after the kids are asleep. I sewed into the wee hours and finished all I could on my dress-turned-kimono shirt. I tried it on around midnight, and there were a few minor touch-ups needing to be made. I sat back down at my sewing machine and heard a tiny voice from nowhere say, "I'm thirsty." I nearly jumped out of my skin. Probably freaked little Lambchop #2 out quite a bit, too, with my reaction. I just wasn't expecting it, and the fact that he was hidden by the wall in front of the stairs didn't help. I recovered a normal heartbeat and took him a cup of water. Not too long afterwards, I followed him and went to bed myself. There wasn't any more I could do to my shirt without the notions I need from the fabric store, anyway.
I tried to go buy those notions yesterday morning, but fate was very much against the idea. Before heading off to take the kids to school, I searched high and low for the debit/credit card I use for shopping. It was nowhere to be found. I scrounged up 40 euros, hoping that would be enough for the necessities and headed out. After taking the kids to school, I drove the 40-45 minutes necessary to get to the fabric store only to find it was closed until 2pm. Apparently, they open late on Mondays. No problem. I'd just head to the other one nearby. No, actually, I wouldn't. It's closed all day on Mondays. So, I didn't get my ribbons and other little doohickies needed to finish my current sewing projects. Oh well. It'll have to wait. In fact, it'll have to wait until at least tomorrow, because I later found out exactly where my credit card was - Paris. "Paris?," you ask. Yes, Paris, in the coat pocket of a certain husband who left town on Saturday for a wine show. Arg. So, I stole half of the 40 bucks I scrounged from his office. That'll show him. Okay, he wouldn't have cared, but still. It makes me feel better. It would appear that the knitting gods are angry with me for cheating on them by doing so much sewing, so they put up a few obstacles. Despite the fact that I know they don't like to be spurned, I sewed anyway just to spite them. Don't they know a girl needs some instant gratification from time to time?

And, for those of you wondering what the dress looked like to begin with, I'll show you. It's not a full shot of the thing (it was about calf-length), but I think you get the gist. I used to love this dress. The little neck details made me feel girly (as you can see, I kept them in the remade version), and back when I had nice curves, instead of my current post-baby ones, I thought I looked pretty good in this dress (don't spoil it for me if you've seen me in this dress and disagree).
The main trouble with this dress is that it's a knit acrylic fabric, that although soft and cozy is very sticky. First, there's the fact that it gets a horrible case of static cling. Then, there's the fact that it's knit. We knitters know what happens to the butt of a knit dress or skirt. Not pretty. I do love the feel of the fabric, though. So, I figured it was the ideal dress for a remodel. And, luckily for me, since, as I said, I loved this dress, I have a second one in gray to play with later. I don't know if I'll go for the same style. I like the way this one turned out, but I may attempt something new.
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