My Sweet Little Lambchop

In light of the events I described in yesterday's post, I thought I'd show my baby's grandparents and aunt and uncle, that he is, indeed, okay. I made him some little cotton shorts by chopping up some t-shirts. He's wearing one in this picture. I wanted to show off the shorts a little, but he wouldn't play my game. He did look so cute lying there, though, that I snapped a shot anyway. I'll show him off instead of the shorts.
When you experience something like what we had happen the other night, it makes you stop and really take a look at your kids. Each one of them is so beautiful and, despite the little annoying things they might do, each one brings such happiness into our lives. I felt like my life had stopped the other night for just the few moments when he wasn't conscious. I keep getting flashbacks, and each time brings tears to my eyes. I feel so lucky to be able to take this picture of him and to see those adorable eyes staring back at me.
And, take a look at that gorgeous baby back there behind him. Isn't she beautiful now that her eye is starting to heal? It appears that this new round of eye drops is the one that'll do it for her. We started them last night, and there was vast improvement in just 24 hours. Now, her eye, though still slightly swollen, is no longer swollen shut and oozing pus. Very good sign.
Poor Daddy is not doing quite as well, though. He spent most of the day in bed with a fever and headache. He's decided that, based on his symptoms, it's the flu they're passing around. Can't that man stop eating after the kids when they're sick? He hates to waste food, so he tends to finish their plates when they don't. When they're sick, I avoid this at all costs. He doesn't, and look what it gets him. Then, of course, he passes it to me, because I can avoid eating off others' plates, but who can stay away from that beautiful man?
While he was down for the count all day, I did some shopping with the big kids. While out, we found a new-to-us kitchen table that we weren't in the market for. I have always hated our table. My husband bought it before I ever had any say in the matter, and I didn't have one when we got hitched, so we kept his. It's a plain pine table from Ikea with a huge glass rectangle in it. I have a passionate hatred for all tables with glass on them. They bring back childhood memories of cleaning the glass tabletop of a coffee table we had. Glass just shouldn't be on tables. It's for windows, and that's that. I've put up with the crumbs that lodge themselves between the glass and the wood for over half a decade, so when I saw a table I liked for cheap, I bought it.
We're really not sure what kind of wood it is. We have very simple tastes in furniture. Not too much adornment. Shaker furniture is lovely. This one is very plain, but it's got an interesting octagonal shape. The best thing, though, is the size. I think with all three leaves in, it could seat 10-12 people. So, with our biggish family and my husband brothers and sisters with all their kids, the bigger the better. I didn't want something that's big all the time, though, so I was very happy to see something that could become a table for four without its leaves. We've currently got one leaf in, and it's the ideal size for our family and our kitchen. The new table cloth I bought last week even fits it just right. It's like it was made for us (only a really long time ago).
Well, in an effort to avoid the flu, I'm off to bed.
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